型号:MS1308 介绍:悦东方,当代原创客厅家具。沙发下半部份采用黑胡桃实木底架,底架在选材、造型和结构上以传承中国木家具的传统工艺为设计思路;沙发底架上半部采用现代软体家具制造工艺,再加上软体部分采用了皮布结合混搭方式,令沙发的坐感、舒适性、时尚性更适合现代人的家居需求;沙发整体造型线条方正、简炼,体现了严谨、修身、正气的东方人气质;配合茶几、地毯、配饰,整体空间将东方文化与现代时尚进行了有机结合。营造出一种低调内敛、修身正气、舒适时尚的家居生活方式。 This product is a perfect combination of oriental culture and modern fashion. We use solid black walnut for the sofa base frame and contemporary upholstered furniture technique for the upper part. We mix fabric and leather into the design to meet the demands of good sitting feeling and fashion. Its low profile with rich cultural implication is breathtakingly inviting. In the meantime, by combining oriental elements and modern materials in a simple yet subtle way, the aesthetic effect of this product is highly assured. To people of modern time who are yearning for sense of belongingness, it’s not only a space to have a rest but also meets people’s demand for cultural value. What’s more, it fulfills people’s yearns for peace of mind. In terms of style, natural state of material and its relationship with human structure is fully considered, contributing to a product that highly pleases our body and soul.
Reference Price: ¥13390 -- ¥44690 |
MOQ: 1 |
Brand: 玛奇朵 |