Basic Information

  • Company Name Alpha Brass Controls Inc
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Gas parts, Valve, Thermostat, Manifold, Burner, Heating Control
  • Number of Staff 100-500
  • Year of establishment 1989
  • Company Address 6, Lane 535, Sec 9, Chungching Rd., Chingshui Taichung, 43648, TAIWAN
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Alpha Brass Controls was established in 1989. We are expert manufacturer in gas valves used in commercial cooking equipment. We are ISO 9001:2015 qualified; Our products are certified by CSA, Delta C, CE, GasMark and JIA.

Our full product ranges include thermostats, safety valves, and various gas valves, solenoid valves for the professional cooking industry. We also offer complete solution packages for cooking equipment.

Alpha Brass Controls has always been committed to ”BEAUTY”, ”BENEFIT” and ”GOOD” as our philosophy. As safety is the most critical part in our products, we are focused in providing the best and safe products and a good technical platform for our customers.

Alpha Brass Controls is also dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibilities by encouraging people to bring values into their lives.