Company Profile

Business Nature:Manufacturer/Agents

Main Products:coffee makers, espresso makers

Number of Staff:500-1000

Year of establishment:1919

Liaison:Luca Granata

Company Address:Via Fogliano 1

Contact Us

We believe in our resources, the professional approach of the people who work in our Group.

Tradition and recognition, quality, high level of innovation and design, wide range of products and social responsibility: all the products designed by Bialetti are born from these principles.

From 1919 Bialetti continues to build around this belief a story of international success, investing day after day on the principles of a strong corporate philosophy, which still today represents the real drive of a leadership that is recognized all over the world.

Bialetti has always been able to blend research and production with the real needs of consumers, without forgetting high quality tradition.

The result of this fusion is represented by the many products that have entered the lives of millions of people throughout the years, improving their lives every day.

The story of Bialetti lies in each of these products, icons of the Italian design and excellence, which transmit a strong emotional drive. A successful corporate philosophy which has been able to create value throughout time. A value that cannot be set aside from the main principles in which Bialetti believes.

