Product Recommendation

Company Profile

Business Nature:Manufacturer/Agents

Main Products:HIBISCUS range HIBISCUS mini blocks

Number of Staff:50-100

Year of establishment:1979


Company Address:5 rue Nobel PO BOX 1119

Contact Us

Biscochoc, specialized in the world of chocolate since 1979, has managed to harmonize the great knowledge of French Chocolate with an exotic and original touch in the South Pacific location.The company has been selling, since 1992, to the Asia-Pacific export market, offering products in Australia, French Polynesia, Vanuatu and more specifically in Japan. At the end of 2016, Biscochoc took over the management of a cocoa plantation in Vanuatu, on the island of Malekula, to produce high quality organic chocolate, , lately used for the manufacturing of the VULCANIC Kit Kat and selectioned by Harrods.
