Basic Information

  • Company Name Bodegas La Cepa de Guadalupe SPR de RL
  • Business Nature Manufacturer
  • Main Products Sentir Mezcal: Mezcal espadin, mezcal espadin clay pots, mezcal tepeztate, mezcal tobala, mezcal cirial
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment 2
  • Company Address Ryerson 242-A, Zona Centro. Ensenada, Baja California. C.P. 22800, México.
  • Post Code 22800
  • Company website

Company Profile

Bodegas La Cepa de Guadalupe is a mexican  company focused on producing mezcal and wine. "Sentir Mezcal" is a brand of premium quality mezcal, manufactured in Oaxaca, México, that belongs to Bodegas la Cepa.