Company Profile

Business Nature:Manufacturer/Agents

Main Products:1. 咖啡机和磨豆机 2. 茶机 3. 现调机 4. 开水机 5. 果汁机 6. 冰沙机

Number of Staff:10-50

Year of establishment:

Liaison:Walter Sun

Company Address:上海市宜山路1618号A208室

Contact Us

Since 1957, Bunn-O-Matic Corporation (BUNN®) has been at the forefront of dispensed beverage equipment manufacturers. Founded upon five generations of family entrepreneurship, BUNN has become a global partner you can count on for reliable beverage equipment and outstanding post-purchase support wherever customers are served. The BUNN core values of honesty, integrity, and courtesy have created a global network of loyal commercial and home customers who are served by the company's brand promise, A Partner You Can Count On™


Today, BUNN has embraced sophisticated new technology to meet the changing needs of customers while remaining committed to delivering the highest possible quality beverage in each cup for every occasion. 



