Basic Information

  • Company Name Cape Honeybush Tea
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Coffee / Tea
  • Number of Staff 50-100
  • Year of establishment --
  • Company Address --
  • Post Code --
  • Company website

Company Profile

The Cape Honeybush Tea Company is the leading supplier of honeybush tea, an indigenous herbal tea from South Africa that has a pleasant sweet taste and above all exceptional health properties.
The company has built a strong reputation as a reliable Private Label (OEM) manufacturer for all types of teas from South Africa, including Rooibos. We provide an all-in-one service from design to sourcing, manufacturing and delivery; starting from a small MOQ of 3000 units.
Our teas are organic certified (EcoCert, JAS, USDA) and our processes comply to stringent FSSC22000 standards.

Cape Honeybush茶公司是来自南非的Honeybush茶的领先供应商。honeybush茶是一种具有令人愉快的甜味和卓越健康特性的凉茶。