Basic Information

  • Company Name Equip Asia (Shanghai) Limited
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Glassware,Flatware,Porcelain,Table linen,
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment 2010
  • Company Address No.39 Jin Chuang Road, 6th Floor,Yang Pu District. Shanghai 200433
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

As a leading hospitality trading company in Hong Kong, China serving all the renowned star-rated hotels in Hong Kong, China, Macau and mainland China, Equip Asia Limited has been extensively involved with most major hotels and F&B projects in those areas for past 20 years.  Equip Asia (Shanghai) Limited, as the sole subsidiary in Shanghai, also engaged in many five-star hotel projects in mainland China for past 3 yesrs. We aim to be a total solution provider that provides procurement management from the beginning to completion as well as supply maintenance.