Basic Information

  • Company Name MEIKO Wash-Up Technologies Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Washing machine
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment 0
  • Company Address Torch High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, No. 2, Jingye Road, 528437 ZHONGSHAN, GUANGDONG, China
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Our job is to make the world a cleaner place by using innovative technology for warewashing, cleaning and disinfection. We started out 90 years ago in a garage in the Black Forest – now we operate all around the globe. The unifying force behind our production sites in Germany, China and the USA is our outstanding MEIKO quality. The curved M, which stands for "Made by MEIKO", is a symbol of that quality. It guarantees clean solutions for our customers wherever and whenever they need them.