Basic Information

  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Ice machine equipment ; high-quality kitchen refrigerator equipment ; tea curry equipment
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment 0
  • Company Address "No 20, Lane 455 Miaoqiao Road, Pudong, Shanghai 201315, China Post Code: 201315"
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Founded in 1990, Shanghai Fushen is a professional manufacturing company for food and beverage sales equipment, working with a number of internationally renowned enterprises to develop equipment suitable for the Chinese market, for beverage manufacturers, restaurants, convenience stores, chain enterprises to provide services. Over the years has been named Shanghai high-tech enterprises Shanghai's best Taiwan, China-funded enterprises and Shanghai foreign-invested advanced technology enterprises, uphold the "professional, responsible, service" enterprise spirit, in order to build Chinese restaurants to provide system planning, equipment supply, logistics and distribution, installation and maintenance, maintenance and new and customer-oriented research and development and manufacturing, to meet the needs of customer differentiation of all-round services and solutions, to create a win-win partner.       With the continuous growth of sales, Shanghai Fushen in order to meet the growing market demand, to provide more competitive products, better customer service. Specially invested in the expansion of a wholly-owned subsidiary- Anhui Fushen in 2019. Anhui Fushen was incorporated on November 8, 2019, with a total plant area of 240 acres.