Basic Information

  • Company Name Bravilor Bonamat B.V.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Bravilor Bonamat offers an extensive range of filter equipment, a range of instant and fresh brew e
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment 1948
  • Company Address Pascalstraat 20
  • Post Code 1704 R
  • Company website

Company Profile

The company started in Amsterdam, as wholesalers serving requirements for hotels, hospitals and canteens. The unique development from wholesaler to manufacturer started in 1948 as a one-man-business of Mr. A.J.M. Verheijen. In 1959 his sons started the earliest production of filter coffee machines. It became a great success. Bravilor Bonamat is still family-owned and now managed by grandson Guus W. Verheijen. The company is known for its durable and innovating filter coffee machines.