Basic Information

  • Company Name SUPIN Food Co., Ltd
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products instant solid drinks, juiced drinks, flavor additives, cold chain products, tea
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address No 5, Huasheng East Road, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province (Huayang Science and Technology Park)
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Founded and headquartered in Kunshan city in 2007, SUPIN Food Co., Ltd is a comprehensive service provider that specializes in food research and development, production, agency, promotion, training and integration.
With a global raw material procurement system, a forward-thinking R & D department and a strict quality management system, The company has been building a leading supply chain service platform to provide a wide variety of products and services to customers under our professional marketing and promotion teams.
SUPIN Food Co., Ltd has become a strategic partner of many listed companies in the fields of instant solid drinks, juiced drinks, flavor additives, cold chain products, tea, food packaging materials, intelligent beverage machines and so on.
SUPIN Food Co., Ltd has been committed to providing a complete set of high-quality health beverage solutions for our catering channel customers, providing customers with product customization and brand customization services, and is determined to become a permanent strategic partner with leading catering companies and to be a booster for Chinese fashion drinks.