Basic Information

  • Company Name Piazza Effepi SRL
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Number of Staff 10-50
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address VIA PRIV. FR. CAIROLI 1 - FRAZ. CRUSINALLO - 28887 OMEGNA (VB) - ITALY
  • Post Code
  • Company website WWW.PIAZZA.IT

Company Profile

The Company was founded in the Cusio area in 1880 by the brothers Giuseppe and Baldassarre Piazza. They were keenly aware that the company’s growth could be achieved through trust, passion, daily commitment and respect for both their own work and that of their staff.
Over the years, they were followed by their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, who have remained true to this original principle and allowed it to flourish.
PIAZZA was able to grow out of little more than a craftsman’s workshop into an industrial concern, which is now renowned and respected internationally.
Today, more than 140 years after the company was founded, our guiding values have remained the same. Based on a careful selection of raw materials, attention to detail, research in new technologies and passion for our work, our goal is to offer products which always live up to the expectations of the people who will actually use them.
We listen carefully to professionals from the catering sector, taking on board their criticisms and requirements, whilst always trying to pre-empt their needs.
We work alongside the best training institutes, because the students of today will be the master chefs of tomorrow.
We place a great focus on our clients, and offer them the opportunity to personalise our products and to devise display solutions for their retail outlets.
Finally, we want to make sure that our communication is at all times clear, honest and transparent.
All of this means quality for us.