Basic Information

  • Company Name BIEPI S.r.l.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Number of Staff 10-50
  • Year of establishment 2003
  • Company Address VIA MONTE ARERA 14, 24040 CASTEL ROZZONE (BG), ITALY
  • Post Code
  • Company website WWW.BIEPI.NET

Company Profile

At BIEPI we have one passion: coffee.
Our mission is to nurture it by creating the best espresso machines we can.

Since 2003 we have been designing, producing and distributing equipment with a mission to optimise the quality of service in coffeehouses, hotels and restaurants.
Our company started out producing machines for barley and ginseng coffee beverages, which in the space of a few years became extremely popular in cafés all over Italy.
Today we are putting our experience to good use in the world of espresso, drawing on our flair for innovation and the reliability of our products.
Embarking into the world of professional espresso machines is a dream come true for us.

We love working closely with coffee producers to adapt our machines to the specific needs of each client, with the aim of delivering products that truly enhance the characteristics of coffee. We provide custom solutions that cater to different requirements, including customised graphics on all our products.
In line with our commitment to ongoing innovation, we hold numerous patents for innovative systems that improve the functioning of our machines and facilitate the work of baristas, coffee roasters and wholesalers.

BIEPI espresso machines are designed and developed in-house with locally-sourced materials, ensuring finished products that are 100% Made in Italy.
We are based in Castel Rozzone, less than 30 miles from Milan: A 25-strong team bound by a shared dedication to quality and customer satisfaction.
