Basic Information

  • Company Name Taizhou Pasmo Food Technology Co., Ltd
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products ice cream machines, whipping cream machines, milkshake machines and other food machinery
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address 18th floor,Chamber of Commerce Building, Huangyan District,Taizhou,Zhejiang
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Pasmo is a service provider which produces and offers ice cream machines, whipping cream machines, milkshake machines and other food machinery and related products. Pasmo was established on Jan. 2013 and its headquarters is located in Zhejiang, China.
"Make the world taste better" is regarded as the enterprise mission, while the technology innovation is the company foothold. Since 2013, Pasmo has customers in hundreds of countries and cities worldwide.
Pasmo pay more attention to forster and export its culture. “Details create classic”Is being praised here because Pasmo firmly believes that only by continiously offering better products, can they maximize serve provision for the market and the customers.
Pasmo welcomes worldwide cooperation with partners who has clear ideas and advanced foresight to create and promote more and greater technologies and products. Our journey is the sea of stars! Let’s cooperate together right now!