Basic Information

  • Company Name Suzgou Desaisi Kitchen Equipment Co.,Ltd
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products food processing machinery and central kitchen equipment
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address Wanfang road, wangting town, xiangting town, xiangcheng district, suzhou city, jiangsu province
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Suzhou desai kitchen equipment co., LTD. Is a focus on management of food processing machinery and central kitchen equipment company, headquartered in Taiwan, China, as well as foreign advanced meat, vegetables and fruit processing technology, the craft is recommended for our users. The food processing machinery mainly includes Taiwan, China fruit and vegetable cutting, cleaning and meat cutting equipment. The central kitchen mainly operates dishwasher, various kinds of wok, automatic rice production line.
  Our product is suitable for use in food processing plants, clean vegetables processing center, breakfast project, chain catering enterprises, large supermarket, board, schools, units, enterprises and institutions of logistics central dining room and kitchen, distribution center, etc.
  Fruit and vegetable cutting equipment mainly include: various fruits and vegetables cutting, cutting, slicing machine, sweet corn threshing machine, potato chip machine, garlic machine, etc
Meat processing equipment mainly includes: meat cutting machine, meat grinder, meat cutting machine, bone cutting machine, cutting machine, chop machine, mixer, etc.
  The cleaning equipment of fruits and vegetables mainly includes: drum pickling machine, hair brush potato peeling machine, ordinary potato peeling machine, continuous washing machine, vegetable dehydrating machine, etc.
  Central kitchen is mainly operated: dishwasher, various kinds of wok, automatic rice machine, etc. The company is in line with the customer's worries, the post-customer joy and the joy of the purpose, to provide customers with better products, services and solutions. To create the greatest value for our customers is our eternal pursuit.
  We strive for perfection, we forge ahead, we dare to accept, we fear we do not enough, we are afraid not to do! We only have to work hard and keep learning and learning, so we can see higher and go further!