Basic Information

  • Company Name Shanghai Leadworld Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products production line
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address No 5599 Shenzhuan Road Songjiang District,Shanghai
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

If you do not master the technological innovation, the large open market can only get "small profits", in order to get "big" one, developing long-term investment in technological innovation is necessary. The most fundamental driving force for the advancement of LEADWORLD is from within the company. The most wicked cases that could interrupt LEADWORLD from advancing is when we are too selfish, arrogance and lack of thought.
A quality product can not only determine the fate of a company, but also represent the character of the company.
Market competition is inevitable in our world today. Products that are almost achieving the market demand and marketable are the most powerful weapons. Strengthening the development capability and rapid response capability for the market is very important for market competition. Responsibility is the most basic and the most important character from a person. A responsible cadre or leadership team can do a good job for the company.LEADWORLD is a company, and it is a company that requires thousands of people to achieve success for generations.