Basic Information

  • Company Name Zhejiang Ocean Family Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products ultra-low temperature tuna, iced tuna, tuna willow, fish segment, large plate,short book,tuna mud
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Zhejiang Ocean Family Co. Ltd. is a famous agricultural industrial enterprise invested by Wanxiang Sanping Group. Main products: ocean-going fishing, processing fishery products, import and export trade and domestic market terminal sales. The company has formed "specialized management, international operation, fishing industry and trade integration, upstream and downstream links'' from the deep ocean to the dining table of thousands of households throughout the industry chain management model.

The company has three major ocean fishing fleets, operating in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the South-West Atlantic, which catch more than 60,000 tonnes of tuna and squid of various types annually. It also has three large-scale cold-chain logistics processing bases for aquatic products, all of which implement quality and safety management techniques such as HACCP and ISO system, construct a whole journey traceability system and obtain registration certification from European and American countries.

The company's domestic terminal sales market has developed rapidly, and it has formed a comprehensive business model of wholesale distribution, chain distribution of restaurants, super wholesale business, e-commerce and B2B, b2C, highly skilled seafood counter and brand experience shop.

Ocean Family will continue to be based on oceanic fishing, aquatic products manufacturing as the core, focus on main aquaculture food industry, vigorously expand the domestic market terminal sales, continuous improvement of the entire industrial chain of aquatic food products, with consumption upgrading as a leader, to provide consumers at home and abroad with more safety, comfort, health, delicious seafood.