Basic Information

  • Company Name Hainan north latitude eighteen degrees Fruit Industry Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products pitaya
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address Room 104, 105, No 3, Zijing Road, Babao Town, Dongfang City, Hainan Province (opposite the Sancai School)
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Hainan North Latitude 18 Fresh Fruit Co.,Ltd .,was established in 2015 with a registered capital of RMB 50 million, and the legal representative is Yan Qi. At present, nearly 11.3 km²of pitaya have been planted in Dongfang, Hainan,, and the accumulated investment has exceeded to 800 million. About 34km²of land has been and is being transferred. The planned development scale is over 46.7km²and the total investment is over 3.5 billion yuan.