Basic Information

  • Company Name Canada Beef International Institute Shanghai Representative Office
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products -
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address Room 2103, Overseas China Mansion,No. 129 West Yan An Road,Shanghai
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Introduction to the Canada beef international institute :
• The Canadian beef association is a non-profit organization funded and operated by Canadian cattle farmers, representing more than 60000 Canadian ranch families producing beef and veal.
• The Canadian beef association provides market development and promotion programs and services to all markets of interest to the Canadian beef industry.
• The Canadian beef association team comprises 23 professional staff in marketing and administration, and has offices in Canada, Mexico, Japan, Chinese mainland and Taiwan, China.
• The Canadian beef association has set up an office in the Chinese market since 1996 to support the development of the local market.