Basic Information

  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products MESONA PRODUCT
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address 166 Shengli South Road, Jianghai District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province,China
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

Guangdong Sunity Health Food Co., Ltd was established in December 2005, and it registered trademark is "Sunity". It is a health food company that places a lot of impetus on professional research and development, and focuses on the production and sale of tortoise jelly.
The company upholds the essence of the traditional production techniques of the earliest tortoise jelly ever recorded in China's history i.e. Jiangmen Yashan tortoise jelly.Advanced modern technology and a healthy formula have been integrated to produce the "Sunity" series of tortoise jelly, which are not only excellent health food, but are also trendy and novel.
Since the company launched its products in the market, its investments on marketing have reached over RMB100 million. There has been tremendous growth in sales, crossing RMB100 million in 2015, with 350 dealers nationwide, covering all international, national and regional KA retail terminalsand important medical chains all over China, and there are over 20,000 sales terminals in retail stores."Sunity" has become a top brand and a leading enterprise in the tortoise jelly industry.