Basic Information

  • Company Name Nanning Mainline Food Machinery Company Limited.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products mixer, oven, food equipment,coffee equipment
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address Unit C Central Industrial Building,Nanning-ASEAN Economic Development Zone,Nanning,Guangxi,China
  • Post Code 0
  • Company website

Company Profile

Nanning Mainline Food Machinery Co., Ltd., a Hong Kong wholly owned company, which was established in 2004, our company have 6,000 meter square of Land and 4,500 meter square of workshop and specilize in spiral mixers, pizza ovens, coffee machines, dough rollers, cooking range, butchery equipment, bar and coffee equipment and Fast food equipment. Our products have passed related tests of Health and Safety and have got the national certificate of patent and different countries' security certificates (CE, GS, NSF, UL, RoHS, LMBG and so on).