Basic Information

  • Company Name Hangzhou Qiandao-lake Niangxin Eco-Agriculture Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products hot sauce, fermented bean curd
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address No. 188, Cixi Village, Zitong Town, Chun'an County, Hangzhou City
  • Post Code 0
  • Company website

Company Profile

The company was registered in July 2019 with a registered capital of 5 million yuan. It consists of three parts: Chengjiayuan Agricultural Products Base, Cixi Village Agricultural Products Processing Factory in Zitong Town, and Niangxin Agricultural Products Exhibition Hall in Qiandaohu Town. , agricultural product processing, e-commerce sales, cultural display, agricultural research and other integrated enterprises. The company has strengthened the research and development of new agricultural products and production tools and equipment. In 2021, the company's four utility model patented technologies have successively been authorized by the State Intellectual Property Office, and won the title of Zhejiang Science and Technology Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification. The company owns brands such as "Cheng Ji Niang Xin Farm" and "Chun Yu Niang", and its products include farmhouse chili sauce, fermented bean curd, vermicelli and other varieties. "Niang Xin Chili Sauce" will be awarded the Silver Sauce King of the "Second China Qiandao Lake Agricultural Expo" in 2021, and will be included in the four sets of CCTV's "Gourmet China" column. At present, the agricultural raw materials produced by the company have achieved large-scale and ecological planting through contract farming, and have established a crop cooperative planting base centered on chili sauce planting in Zitong Town, driving hundreds of farmers to participate in cooperative planting.

The high-quality ecological environment of Qiandao Lake and the company's ecological management measures have enabled the company to win wide recognition from the market and consumers during its development. The company actively expands sales channels and forms a sales model integrating Qiandaohu e-commerce window, drop shipping, local delivery, and team business. Niangxin agricultural products are sold at home and abroad.