Basic Information

  • Company Name Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Qianxuan Ecological Food Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Qiandao Lake vegetables and fruits
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address No. 22, Lianxin Road, Langchuan Township, Chun'an County, Hangzhou City
  • Post Code 0
  • Company website

Company Profile

Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Qianxuan Ecological Food Co., Ltd. was established in 2020. In line with the vision of providing urban consumers with high-quality rural agricultural products from Qiandao Lake, the company relies on the high-quality agricultural products of Qiandao Lake and specializes in pre-cooling, preservation and sorting of edible agricultural products in Qiandao Lake. , packaging, cold chain transportation and other projects, with a digital operation management system, online and offline integration, scientific testing, to achieve the fresh and safe source of Qiandao Lake agricultural products can be traced back to urban consumers.