Basic Information

  • Company Name Yongjia Oumei Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Yongjia rice wine
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address Zhengzhuang Village, Bilian Town, Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province
  • Post Code 0
  • Company website

Company Profile

The company has a registered capital of 5.68 million yuan, a total production area of more than 800 mu, and an annual output value of 11 million yuan. It is a leading agricultural enterprise in Wenzhou. The main production and operation of "Shi Gong" brand series of old wine sweat. Yongjia Laojiuhan is a local specialty product. "Good mountains produce good water, good water makes good wine", there is a national scenic spot of Nanxi River in Yongjia County. The water quality of Nanxi River is excellent, sweet and delicious; Yongjia is suitable for glutinous rice cultivation during the same period of rain and heat. These superior natural conditions make the wine products produced by Yongjia of high quality. Naming a kind of wine with "Khan" is the characteristic of Yongjia, the birthplace of Ou culture. Lao Jiuhan collects the sweat-like liquid condensed when Laojiu (rice wine) is fried and steamed, hence the name.