Basic Information

  • Company Name Zhejiang Kingsure Food Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Broccoli, white cauliflower
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address No. 114, Jianshe Road, Pubagang Town, Sanmen County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province
  • Post Code 0
  • Company website

Company Profile

Zhejiang Kingsure Food Co., Ltd.with a registered capital of 25 million yuan, was established on February 15, 2008. The company is located in Pubagang Town, Sanmen County. It is an enterprise whose main business is to store fresh vegetables and deep-processed frozen vegetables. In 2010, it was rated as "Taizhou Agricultural Agricultural Head Enterprise". The company has the right to self-export, and mainly deals in products: broccoli, cauliflower, edamame, edamame, green beans, broad beans, rape flowers, sweet peas, corn kernels, orange petals, okra, etc. At present, it has obtained SC certification, IS0 22000 certification, kosher certification, halal certification, FDA certification and BRC certification.

The company has a production plant of 19,046.41 square meters, a refrigerated storage warehouse of 38,000 cubic meters, two domestic advanced production lines of 5 tons and 3 tons, a comprehensive building and ancillary buildings of 7,083.64 square meters, and an annual production capacity of 15,000 tons of vegetables and aquatic products refrigerated processing. Products are mainly exported to Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the United States and other places, with broad prospects for development.

The company has built a vegetable base of more than 10,000 mu, 6 vegetable fresh-keeping warehouses (with a storage capacity of 10,000 tons), and cultivated more than 30 vegetable planting and sales cooperatives, which are distributed in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jiaxing, Sanmen, Wenling, Linhai and other places. The company actively organizes and participates in large-scale expositions such as domestic and foreign agricultural expositions, green expositions, and special agricultural product promotion conferences, effectively expanding the vegetable sales market. While the products are sold domestically, they are also exported to Europe, America, Japan, the Middle East and other countries, with an export volume of more than 6,000 tons.