Basic Information

  • Company Name XIONG&YANG(Foshan) Home Furnishing Technology Co. Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Coffee Kettles Coffee Grinder Tea wares Cookware accessories Office accessories Glassware
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address 8301, 3rd East building, Guangdong Industry Design City, Beijiao Town, Shunde Distrcit, Foshan City,
  • Post Code 0
  • Company website

Company Profile

XIONG&YANG(Foshan) Home Furnishing Technology Co. Ltd is a coffee product company founded by designers. Like all designers, we see the world a little different and try to make it a little better. We are always fascinated by well-designed objects and how much impact they make in our daily life.
