Basic Information

  • Company Name Beijing Qianfangke Trading Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Coffee Beans
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address No 19, Huanjing Road, Majuqiao Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing, Building 202, Hechuang Industrial Center, 1104
  • Post Code 0
  • Company website

Company Profile

Founded in 1892 from Paris, France, the romance of authentic French kafei. Richard Coffee is a centuries-old traditional French coffee roasting plant. It has a long history with French cuisine. Inspired by the confidence of 41,000 customers through excellent quality and service, Richard Coffee firmly maintains its leading position in the beverage solutions market in the French hotel and restaurant industry, and now delivers our products to coffee lovers around the world through an international network of preferred distributors.
Since 2003, Richard Coffee has participated in and passed the ISO 9001 quality certification. But now, in order to further achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we want to emphasize our responsible action. Therefore, through its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach, Richard Coffee aims to be a roaster and coffee partner in the service of sustainable development, from coffee beans to coffee cups, and the company is committed to developing activities that take care of people and the environment.
By building on our values of integrity, closeness and humanity, our employees are participants in this approach, which continually gives more meaning to our actions. By uniting our strength, we add more positive effects and inject more positive energy into each cup of coffee.
Main products: coffee beans, coffee capsules, coffee powder, coffee machines and coffee utensils and other related supporting services。
