Basic Information

  • Company Name Chia Khim Lee Food Industries Pte Ltd
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Sagiko Canned Juice Drinks Sagiko Vitamin C Water Sagiko Float with real bits
  • Number of Staff 50-100
  • Year of establishment 1975
  • Company Address 119 Defu Lane 10
  • Post Code 539230
  • Company website

Company Profile

Established in 1975, Chia Khim Lee Food Industries is a food and beverage conglomerate serving a global clientele. The company is firmly established in the manufacturing and distribution of its products in Singapore and overseas. It’s flagship brand “SAGIKO” is offering more than 30 flavours and choices. We are an ISO9001 certified company and our products are HACCP, GMP and HALAL certified.