Basic Information

  • Company Name Listen Up Pte Ltd
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Oat Milk with oats and Chia Seeds Chocolate Oat Milk Oat Milk (Original) Powdered Oat Milk
  • Number of Staff 10-50
  • Year of establishment 2021
  • Company Address 100G Pasir Panjang Road #04-11 Interlocal centre (118523)
  • Post Code 118523
  • Company website

Company Profile

OATBEDIENT – No Fillers, No Junk. No Kidding.
It all began with a simple idea... what if we created delicious, no-nonsense products we’d gladly feed our own families? For people in search of sustainable dairy-free alternatives. Our duty is to uphold the highest quality standards because our customers deserve the best ingredients. Oatbedient is our take on yummy convenient products with no fillers, no junk or any unnecessary ingredients, that are made with love for our families, who only deserve the best.