Basic Information

  • Company Name OTHANKS
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products OTHANKS Organic Cold Brew Coffee OTHANKS Organic Cold Brew Coffee stick Organic Cold Brew Green Tea
  • Number of Staff
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address Unit 104, 61-14, Sinkbuk-ro, Sinbuk-eup, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea
  • Post Code 24206
  • Company website

Company Profile

OTHANKS is a cold brew manufacturer that aims to provide customers with excellent taste and aroma.
OTHANKS unique cold brew extraction method provides a clean and rich taste.
We ensure taste and safety by designing and managing all processes from raw material selection to production by food engineering experts.
It uses fresh raw materials and thoroughly manages the quality through regular microbial inspections.