Basic Information

  • Company Name KoRiABeSeuTeuWon Co.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Sul-hawk-kkae
  • Number of Staff 10-50
  • Year of establishment 2017
  • Company Address 402, Bodeumgwan, 1, Kangwondaehak-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, Korea
  • Post Code 24341
  • Company website

Company Profile

1. Career of a physician(corporate representative)
patents for natural product, legal technology, yeast fermentation technology and composition
2. Using natural ingredients, it is safe and effective
Natural Products Industry, Gangwon province Development Industry. It's made in a stick pouch type, so it's easy to carry and consume
3. Demonstrate product safety and functionality
Research and Development of New products in Industry-Academic Cooperation. Perform R&D research tasks, demonstrate functionality