Basic Information

  • Company Name Asiatic Agro Industry Co., Ltd.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Coconut Water 100% Coconut Milk Coconut Creamer Coconut Whipping Cream
  • Number of Staff 1000-5000
  • Year of establishment 1993
  • Company Address 1526-1540, Soi Phatthanakan 48,Phatthanakan Road, Phatthanakan Sub-District Suan Luang District
  • Post Code 10250
  • Company website

Company Profile

Asiatic Agro Industry Co., Ltd. is one of the top 3 producer, processor and exporter of coconut products in Thailand. It was the first company to use the PET plastic format for coconut products. The company has been running under the concept of "Sharing coconut culture with the world" in a campaign that emphasises the bond between Thai culture and the coconut.