Basic Information

  • Company Name Ochakovo
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Mojito refreshing drink Kvass Ochakovskiy
  • Number of Staff 500-1000
  • Year of establishment 1978
  • Company Address Russia, Moscow, Ryabonovaya street, 44
  • Post Code 121471
  • Company website

Company Profile

The makers of traditional Russian kvass and other natural
beverages: beer, light ready-to-drink cocktails, juices, wines, lemonades,
mineral water and hard liquor.

No. 1 Russian kvass producer and the only major kvass maker to rely
on traditional kvass brewing technology.

We ship our products to 30+ countries, including the US, Canada,
China, Germany, Greece, Spain, Vietnam, Japan, and others.

The company operates 10 plants, factories and farms, including
breweries and soft-drink bottlers, a malting plant, a winery, and vineyards
and farms.