Basic Information

  • Company Name La Galvanina S.p.A.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Mineral Water, Fruit Soft Drinks, Iced Teas, Mocktails, Mixers.
  • Number of Staff 50-100
  • Year of establishment 1947
  • Company Address Via della Torretta 2, Rimini
  • Post Code 47923
  • Company website

Company Profile

Located on the hills near Rimini, Galvanina is a source of mineral and thermal water known since ancient times as a place of refreshment and well-being.

A century ago, the business of bottling water and producing soft drinks began.

Galvanina now offers an excellent product worthy of representing the true quality of Made in Italy in the world. Today, Galvanina is sold in more than 50 countries in 5 continents. 

Galvanina Mineral Water is the ideal company for any kind of meal; Soft Drinks made with Juice and Pulps from Organic Fruits grown in Southern Italy; Organic Iced Teas, blend of flavors of the Orient and Mediterranean; Organic Mixers, a key product for the modern mixology.