Basic Information

  • Company Name De Vecchi Giuseppe Srl
  • Business Nature Manufacturer
  • Main Products Components, spare parts, accessories for espresso coffee machines. Coffee grinders, water softeners.
  • Number of Staff 10-50
  • Year of establishment 1965
  • Company Address Via Don Luigi Sturzo, 7 - 20872 Colnago, MB, Italy
  • Post Code 20872
  • Company website

Company Profile

Our Company since 1965 manufactures solutions and components for espresso coffee machines. Direct manufacturing of parts, excellent service and technical support, competitive prices and well provided automated warehouse are the main features of our Company. We keep widening our products offer, in fact nowadays we are provided of accessories and spare parts for espresso coffee machines, coffee grinders, accessories for Ho.Re.Ca, water softeners, dishwashers. We keep in touch with our customers, focusing on our customers’ requests, aiming to the best service with daily national and international shipping.