Basic Information

  • Company Name GAP IN THE WORLD
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Grape Juice
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address "Gema Arribas Palencia MARTINEZ VILLENA 14 5 ALBACETE, Albacete, 02001 Spain"
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

GAP belongs to a group of companies with extense background in the food industry, which underpins our quality and professionalism.

Specialists in the manufacture of concentrated juices and other grape-derived, as well as other fruit derivative products.

Offering clients a comprehensive service and adaptading to their requirements, creating customised processes and making the transaction a rewarding experience.

GAP is made up of a young and dynamic team wih experience and skills to face the challenges and objetives that the company wishes to undertake over the next few years.