Basic Information

  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products dish washer
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address Shanghai Fengxian District Jianghai economic Park Xiao Road No 1556
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

First ever Asian made commercial dish washer with both Electrical and Food Safety International Certificate is borne!
Global-Champion is a renowned commercial dish washer brand in China, a joint-venture of Taiwan, China and Hong Kong and Singapore having manufacturing plant and direct sales offices providing arid promoting commercial dish washers with ovm design, production, exporting and after-sales service, a} all-in-one professional service network across Asia.
Our objective is to surpass the international brands, The only way is to learn from years of experience and speedy response nn customers'''''''' fePdharkWP are not easily satisfied and strive for PxnPIIPnnQ is our ultimate gnat下hat is how our state-of-the-art second generation is produced, with improvements in construction, stability, durability competitiveness and technical more rational.下hese four factors have been giving us annual sales ofover 5,000
units, selling to 5 star hotels, hospitals, cha旧department stores, large-scale staffcanteens, food anc restaurant chains, schools and colleges, food processing factories...etc in more than 10 countries including North America
Our team consists of expertise in professional dish washing industry who are familiar with fhe international brands in Europe, USAand Japan, along with the addition of well-managed system, enhance us the products which are leading the industry in China. The following factors lead us to success as:
1 .SU5304 stainless steel and branded electrical and electronic parts are used.
2. ISG 9001 was granted in September 2008
3. CE Certificate was granted for all models in April 2009.
4. GSACertificate(Electrical Safety Standard for North America) was granted. The f rst company which earned this
    certificate in China.
5. The first ever manufacturer who earned the HACCP(Food Safety Standard) in Asia.
6. Allied co-partners are well-experienced, with sufficient man-power and stocking of spare parts rest assured the quality of after-sales service in the region.
The second generation of our products emphasizes on quality, effectiveness and renowned after-sales service lead us to wide acceptance in :he market and become the most cost-effective: value for money ma"ket leader in Chinese Taiwan, Chinese Hong Kong: Singapore and other Asian countries in the dish washer industry.
We have accomplished the mission of‘Internationally-made with localized selling price"
With all our hearts and efforts, we mill do our utmost to targeting at becoming a well一known international brand.