Basic Information

  • Company Name Hoppe
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Snacks. Biscuits. Single wrapped coffee biscuits. Speculaas biscuits, vanilla wafers, cappunico wafers, cinnamon biscuits,
  • Number of Staff 10-50
  • Year of establishment 1958
  • Company Address Marktstraat 9, EDE
  • Post Code 6711AP
  • Company website

Company Profile

Hoppe Food Group the Netherlands represented by XYFLO

XYFLO is a Dutch company and the sole agent for Hoppe Food products (cookies) in China. Xyflo introduces the single wrapped biscuits into China. Started in the Netherlands in 2010 we offer a wide range of European quality products (A-brands). Our approach is personal and hands on. We help Dutch companies getting into the Chinese market offering support in each field as well as introducing Chinese brands to European markets.

Hoppe is the number 1 (single wrapped) biscuit manfucaturer and was established more than 40 years ago.

Hoppe turns sweet biscuits and savoury snacks into presents. Some with the authentic flavour of yesteryear, some with tomorrow’s taste. However, always unique, surprising and with an eye for trends and the market’s wishes. The product designers at Hoppe experiment with ingredients and new recipes every single day. This keeps us searching for new concepts and allows us to ensure your guests to enjoy, in a healthy, tasty and conscious way.

It began one day, with a series of biscuits, one by one beautifully wrapped to serve with coffee. Now, our product developers experiment with (natural) ingredients and new recipes every single day. Searching for the surprising baking products fitting the needs of our customers in the catering, retail and travel industry. Our product developers are assisted by a professional team. They know like no other where best to prepare the recipes and how best to package them.
Because beautiful, innovative packaging is integral to a present. In addition, it helps to keep every treat crisp and fresh and allows you to store our baked products problem-free. We ensure a product that leaves you carefree, and that has to be at least as good as the products themselves.

Hoppe proves: a small biscuit or a savoury snack can make a huge difference.