Basic Information

  • Company Name LE 5 STAGIONI
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products pizza flours pastry flours pasta flours
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address via monte nero 111,35010 Curtarolo (PD) Italy
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

«Le 5 Stagioni» is the leading brand for flours and mixes for pizzerias and it’s the most complete and best known range in every corner of the world, sold in all five continents as a symbol of Italian style and quality . Professional products for the production of pizza, all made to the highest standards: a range which has taken the company to an international leadership role worldwide (about 36% of the Italian market share). It is a brand which never stops to evolve thanks to a continual research and in-depth study aiming at the best at all times.

«Le 5 Stagioni»是披萨方面面粉和预拌粉的领先品牌,它是世界上最知名的一个品牌,在五大洲销售,作为意大利风格和质量的象征。专业生产披萨的产品,所有产品都达到最高标准:这么多的种类,使公司在全球范围内具有国际领导地位(约占意大利市场份额的36%)。这个品牌一直在不停地发展,在不断的研究和深入的探讨,做出最好的产品。