Company Profile

Business Nature:Manufacturer/Agents

Main Products:Chilled/frozen beef products

Number of Staff:1000-5000

Year of establishment:1991

Liaison:Egidijus Mackevičius

Company Address:K. Donelaicio Str. 2-116 LT-44213 Kaunas

Contact Us

Founded in 1991, by several meat and meat product manufacturers the today's LMPA has become the main and only specialized organization representing meat-processing industry in Lithuania. The LMPA serves as strong collective voice for this industry at a national level. The association addresses many audiences within food industry, broadens business circles and government offices, disseminates information and facilitates dialogues both within the organization and between LMPA members and outside parties.

The core objective of the LMPA is development and progress of meat processing industry via support and promotion of advanced business practices, standards and inter-communication spreading and exchanging ideas and business practices among members of the LMPA in order to achieve effectiveness of the industry and benefit the general public. The LMPA is a well-known and reputable national institution holding a front line position with an established network of meat experts, decision makers and individuals who shape public opinion as well as influence policies related to the national meat sector.

LMPA is implementing EU information and promotion programme for European meat in China, Hong Kong, China, Macao, Azerbaijan and Ukraine. The Programme focuses on fresh, chilled and frozen beef and pig meat and food preparations based on these products. The meat products in question include two major product groups: fresh meat (fresh, chilled, frozen swine and bovine animals' meat, including minced meat, edible offal, fats, etc.) and processed meat products – i.e., processed (cooked, smoked, dried) meat products in the form of sausages (various diameter and length), whole and sliced meat cuts, canned meat products and in other forms.
