Basic Information

  • Company Name MKN Maschinenfabrik Kurt Neubauer GmbH & Co.KG
  • Business Nature Manufacturer
  • Main Products FlexiCombi & SpaceCombi FlexiChef MasterLine Cooking Islands Modular Cooking Equipment
  • Number of Staff 500-1000
  • Year of establishment 1947
  • Company Address Halberstaedter Strasse 2a, 38300 Wolfenbuettel/Germany
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

The entire world of professional cooking

Professional chefs all over the world love MKN premium cooking technology. As German specialist for professional thermal cooking equipment, we have been working on new and intelligent ideas for your kitchen for 75 years to make your life easier at work, increase productivity as well as efficiency. Classical cooking equipment combined with innovative multifunctional appliances. Our smart solutions optimize your production processes and always focus on customer benefit. As long term, reliable partner, MKN is at your side wherever you aspire to first-class quality. Enjoy the world of cooking.