Basic Information

  • Company Name Pastificio Di Martino Gaetano & F.lli S.p.A.
  • Business Nature Manufacturer
  • Main Products Dry Pasta
  • Number of Staff 100-500
  • Year of establishment 1912
  • Company Address Via Castellammare, 82 - Gragnano (NA)
  • Post Code 80054
  • Company website

Company Profile

More than 100 years of experience in the production of Gragnano Pasta make the di Martino family the reference point in the world market of Protected Geographical Indication (P.G.I.) high quality pasta. Di Martino pasta is made by the successful encounter of selected 100% Italian durum wheat semolina with the purest local spring water. The bronze die extrusion and the slow drying process at low temperature help making it fall under PGI Gragnano Pasta. The result is a rough and tasty product, able to perfectly hold sauces and return the intense aroma of wheat. Consumer’s wide choice ranges from whole wheat, to organic, to regional and original products, up to the vintage hand-wrapped line, for a total amount of over 120 pasta shapes. Nowadays the Di Martino Company produces 8 million portions of pasta everyday and exports its Italian quality and tradition over more than 36 Countries.