Company Profile

Business Nature:Manufacturer/Agents

Main Products:Ground Coffee, Coffee Beans, NS compatible capsules, DG compatible capsules. 胶囊咖啡,咖啡粉,咖啡豆

Number of Staff:100-500

Year of establishment:1922

Liaison:xu zheng/郑旭

Company Address:Via Primo Maggio, 8 37012 Bussolengo (VR) - Italy

Contact Us

Pellini Caffe is established in 1922, the top four coffee manufactories in Italy. Pellini brand is also the top three brand in the retail market in Italy. The company has a full automatic production line with ground coffee, coffee beans and capsules, has yearly production of 10,000 tonnes of coffee roasted. 

At Pellini we put all our experience into every single coffee we make: it’s all part of our commitment to bring the authentic coffee culture home and to cafes all over the world.Our mission is to satisfy the highest number of consumers with dedication and commitment, turning every coffee break into a special, unmistakable moment.

Pellini(沛利尼)公司创办于1922年,Pellini家族对于意式浓缩咖啡一直有着自己独特的见解.在经历第二次世界大战之后,决定将公司由原来的草本香料制造商转型成为咖啡烘培工厂,致力于研究生产属于Pellini家族基因的意式拼配咖啡.经过了半个多世纪的发展,如今在意大利,Pellini已经成为了前四大咖啡公司之一,超过3000家的高级餐厅和咖啡馆都在使用Pellini咖啡,在零售市场上Pellini也是家喻户晓的品牌。公司总部位于意大利的浪漫之都维罗纳,风靡全球的罗密欧与朱丽叶的故乡就在维罗纳. Pellini工厂采用现代化作业流程烘焙咖啡豆,完全由电脑控制达到精准数据烘焙.保证了出品的每一批咖啡豆的品质的稳定性.年产咖啡超过1千万公斤,远销于全球30多个国家.

