Basic Information

  • Company Name Qima Coffee Ltd (UK)
  • Business Nature Manufacturer
  • Main Products Speciality coffee: Green coffee beans Roasted Coffee beans
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment 2016
  • Company Address FE Burman Bldng, 20 Crimscott Street, London
  • Post Code SE1 5TF
  • Company website

Company Profile

We are re-introducing the world to one of the rarest and finest specialty coffees. In doing so, we aim to restore Yemen to its former glory as a globally renowned source of exquisite coffee. Working in direct partnership with smallholder farmers across central and northern Yemen, we are creating an equitable trade in cultivating and hand-harvesting speciality coffee sourced from some of Yemen’s highest altitudes. Founded in 2016, Qima Coffee is Yemen’s first accredited specialty coffee producer and the country’s only fully integrated specialty coffee exporter.