Product Recommendation

Company Profile

Business Nature:Manufacturer/Agents


Number of Staff:Less than 10

Year of establishment:0

Liaison:zheng xiunan

Company Address:345-349 aomen rd,shanghai

Contact Us

HEC is a constantly changing and large-scale enterprise, covering all levels of the catering supply chain, constantly trying to innovate and owning a large geographical coverage and customer quantity. HEC is a large-scale enterprise with a wide geographical coverage. Since established in 1992, our business has been growing steadily. We have 7 branches and several factories in China. HEC is an industry leader which provides catering supplies, equipment and comprehensive supporting services. HEC business line covers retail, wholesale, engineering, project, supporting facility, service, etc. We have 7 brands and agent for dozens of well-known brands in the industry. HEC continues to revitalize traditional industries with its improved business model. HEC established hypermarket in Shanghai in 2000 and copied the business model to other branches. In 2017, the whole system has been switched to "NFC" mode to provide better service to the customers. HEC is the most influential company in the industry and has the largest customer base all over provinces within China. Customers are located in all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China, with more than tens of thousands of customers nationwide. Its direct customers includes social catering restaurants、Restaurant chains、enterprises institution and star hotel. HEC has established 8 branches in China and is the largest comprehensive service provider in the catering industry in China. HEC has eight branches in China:Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing, Chongqing, Jinan, Chengdu, Qingdao, Nanjing. HEC providing the customers with the most reliable, affordable and convenient shopping experience, HEC continuously attempts in different retail business models.
