Basic Information

  • Company Name SOY
  • Business Nature Manufacturer/Agents
  • Main Products Copper Kitchenware, Copper Cookware, Copper Barware, Copper Coffeeware
  • Number of Staff Less than 10
  • Year of establishment
  • Company Address Soy Uretim Tesisleri Eyup Sultan Mahallesi, Vadi sokak no: 4/1, Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey
  • Post Code
  • Company website

Company Profile

SOY is the first worldwide professional-grade copper brand from the country that has undisputably the best copper workmanship of the whole World, Turkey. 

SOY's aim is for the handmade Turkish copper to enter the kitchens in the quickest and most efficient way.

While desiging products, the objective was on one hand to project with the perfect visual and the perfect ergonomy SOY's passion for food and cooking, and on the other hand, to ensure a nearly endless durability, even after year of sturdy professional usage or a lifelong of reckless home use.

The thickness of SOY's products falls into 4 distinct categories:

  • Most of the pots, skillets and service plates (without lid) are 2.5mm thick
  • The Rondeaus and stockpots are 3.00mm thick,
  • The lidded service plates (including the fish kavurma plates) are 2.00mm thick,
  • The pâtisserie products, Turkish coffee products and all regular lids are 1.50mm thick.


SOY is specialized in manufacturing and wholesale.

In China; Shanghai 9th District Trading Co. Ltd. is the exclusive distributor and brand representative for SOY products.