Are Canned Potatoes Cooked Or Raw?

Column: industry Tag: Cooked,Raw,Potatoes Published: 2024-04-09 13:03 Source: Author: NICK PISANO

Are Canned Potatoes Cooked Or Raw?


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While some may turn up their noses at canned vegetables, experienced home cooks know they can be a valuable and convenient ingredient in many recipes. Among the most popular and versatile options are canned potatoes. But a quick inspection after opening the can may leave you wondering whether the spuds are ready to eat or need to be cooked just like fresh ones would.

In general, it's safe to consider canned potatoes at least partially cooked. This is due to the typical process that canned foods undergo, which involves sealing them and heating the can to roughly 250 degrees Fahrenheit. While the primary purpose of this step is to kill any potentially harmful microorganisms and make the potatoes shelf-stable, it also works to somewhat cook and soften them. This means you can avoid the lengthy process involved in making sure potatoes are done enough to eat and focus instead on flavoring and finishing them.

Cooking your canned potatoes a bit more after opening them is not required but is strongly suggested. Not only will it improve the taste and texture, but eating uncooked potatoes has also been linked to digestive issues in some diners. 

More steps, but still convenient

Are Canned Potatoes Cooked Or Raw?


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This somewhat sets canned potatoes apart from many other types of canned veggies like beans or corn, which can be freely enjoyed straight from the can with no additional cooking required. Still, this extra step won't delay your meal too much. Though some cooks treat them much like they would normal peeled white potatoes, canned potatoes can be ready to eat with just minutes of prep, making them an ideal solution for stress-free side dishes. One of the best methods for cooking them is in the air fryer, which produces a crispy exterior and warm, soft interior in just 15-20 minutes of hands-off cooking.

The partially cooked, partially raw texture is well-suited to mashing or blending into hearty soups as well. Meanwhile, they also offer the advantage of lasting many times longer than fresh potatoes, allowing you to stock your pantry and ensure you always have some on hand. All in all, canned potatoes may be a humble ingredient, but their versatility and accessible nature make them a pantry main-stay.