US furniture industry further increases incoming orders September 29,2016

Incoming orders of US furniture manufacturers focussed on the residential area improved further in June. According to the economic activity report published on a monthly basis by consultancy company Smith Leonard, in June incoming orders improved by 5% vis à vis the comparative month last year to US$2.280bn. In May a slight increase of 2% was achieved. This followed a decrease in April - the third consecutive month in which a decline was recorded.
Turnover also increased again in June by 2% to US$2.457bn. As a consequence of declining incoming orders in the months of February (-1%), March (-2%) and April (-3%), turnover in April and May decreased by 3% and 1% respectively. For February and March, in contrast, a respective turnover increase of 3% and 4% was recorded. In January manufacturers had recorded a slight decline of 1% compared to the corresponding month of the preceding year.