2nd Anniversary Celebration, Jingdong Home Founded Jingdong Decoration Alliance with 11 Chinese Home Decoration Enterprises
At the 2nd anniversary press conference of Jingdong Home Decoration on July 29, Jingdong announced that it had founded Jingdong Decoration Alliance with 11 well-known home decoration enterprises including B&Q, I-life, Boloni and Gold Mantis Home.

Jingdong launched the home decoration business and integrated and promoted the Internet home decoration through the supply chain in 2016. Nowadays, it has officially released the engergization strategy based on the five fields including data opening, integrated marketing, supply chain, design platform and technology.
At the press conference, Jingdong announced that it would start from the five fields including data opening, integrated marketing, supply chain, design platform and technology in the future to realize the industrial chain engergization for the home decoration enterprise and promote the consumers’ home decoration service experience from the source.
(Source: JJGLE.COM)